Ilysa loves making connections, interacting, and encouraging a positive impact on our members. She also coordinates program activities by planning, leading, and encouraging participation from our members. She has become passionate about nutrition and exercise, so her overall goal for Myerberg is to promote healthy habits and lifestyle changes throughout the center. 

In her role at the Myerberg, Ilysa also leads group fitness classes, developing mobility-focused exercise routines for older adults both virtually and in person. 

Ilysa graduated from UMBC with a Bachelor's in Management of Aging. She has been volunteering for NNC (Northwest Neighbors Connecting,) for many years and is now the Co-Vice President of their board. Lastly, she received her personal training certification with ISSA so she can continue to connect with our members. 

Ilysa lives with her husband Bill. She has two daughters, Amanda who lives in California and Molly who lives in New York. In her spare time, she loves to cook and exercise!