Weather Alert Status

The Edward A. Myerberg Center (building) is operating at our normal hours currently. Stay tuned for updates throughout the week in the case of inclement weather.

Onsite Programs By the Numbers


Weekly Participants


Weekly Live Classes


Fitness Programs

We now have an interactive schedule for our onsite programs (as well as virtual programs). Click on the Schedule of Classes button below and in “Type” choose “Onsite” as demonstrated by this image for a complete list of onsite classes for the next two months.

Image of the calendar page of the website to demonstrate how to look at the schedule for onsite classes.

Art Programs

We have art classes four days a week and studio rentals every weekday! Come to a class and learn how to paint with oils, acrylics, alcohol ink, and more, as well as do ceramics and other art projects. Pictured: Mary Beth Dickman’s Watercolor demonstration

Art Classes


From the center open six days a week to fitness classes five days a week, you can come by and get fit with us any time! We also have special events from time to time such as Active Aging Week (Pictured) and Heart Health Month.

Fitness Center Info

Duplicate Bridge

Bridge games are a great time to come and socialize while playing. Bridge is hosted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Come by and play a game of bridge with us!

Bridge Club Info

Bagel Boys and Humanities Classes

Bagel Boys has speakers who come and talk on a topic on which they are an expert! On Tuesdays, the Boys can come to grab a bagel and coffee while listening, as well as it is Hybrid! On Fridays Bagel Bunch is online. It can range anywhere from Rabbi Harry Karp on Jewish history (Who also holds Jewish history classes on Tuesday afternoons), to sports, space, and more!

Bagel Boys Schedule


In addition to our virtual Technology classes, we have Onsite and 1-on-1 sessions with our tech expert, Melanie Waxman! She can teach anything from Smart TVs to iPhones! Learn how to stay up to date with the latest technology at our center.

Tech Classes and Support

Initial Registration is required for all programs and can be completed online or by calling 410-358-6856. Masks are optional.

To get started, please follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the following form (or show up 10-15 minutes early to fill out the form):
  2. Register and/or schedule an appointment online using the links below or call 410-358-6856.

For more information about our health and safety processes and procedures, CLICK HERE.

To visit our frequently asked questions page, CLICK HERE.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we transition to reopening our building for limited onsite programs. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our members, guests and staff. Things may feel just a little different at first, but keep in mind, it’s only temporary. We look forward to welcoming you back to our beloved community, where you can safely reunite with friends, staff and instructors!

Please note: Edward A. Myerberg Center REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY
NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN on registration or membership fees unless the class, program, or trip is canceled. The Edward A. Myerberg Center reserves the right to cancel any class, program, trip, or event due to unforeseen circumstances. Should any of these be canceled, A FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED.