Frequently Asked Questions
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All recorded videos will be available within 7 to 10 business days from the class date.
Recorded Classes are available in subscribers’ On Demand catalog, which can be found by logging in to the Virtual Center and then clicking the “On Demand” button at the top of your main Activities Calendar page.
Here’s a Quick Tutorial on How to Access Recorded Classes
Though we try our best to make all programs available, circumstances may prohibit access to some recordings. Videos will be available for up to 30 days from the class date. Have a request? Email
Yes! Classes are available to purchase for a one-time fee. When you click the “Sign-Up” button for a class not included in your plan, it will be added to your shopping cart and you can then purchase the class online. Once you complete payment, you can then log back in to Virtual Center and will then see a “Join Video” button for that class. For questions, concerns, or to purchase a class over the phone, call 410-358-6856.
Classes with “Limited Enrollment” in their title may require a nominal fee and are available on a first come, first served basis. Registration for these classes can be made online, by calling 410-358-6856 or by emailing
If an instructor must cancel his or her class for any reason, the class title will be updated to say “Cancelled” in our Virtual Center as soon as we receive notification from the instructor. In addition, an email notification will be sent to subscribers. Our instructors make every effort to either schedule a make-up class, provide a substitute or show a pre-recorded class during the scheduled class time. Due to varying schedules, we apologize if you are unable to participate in the make-up class. Most of our classes are recorded and made available in your on-demand catalog within 7 to 10 business days from the class date.
Subscription plans include a basic Silver plan as a Myerberg Member for $28/month and $35/month for nonmembers. An all-access Gold plan is available for $40/month for members and $52/month for nonmembers. Those interested in only Virtual Bagel Boys can become a subscriber for $12/month but must be a Myerberg Member. For more information and to purchase a subscription, please visit or call 410-358-6856.
Once logged in to Virtual Center, the instructor’s name will be listed below each class name in your Daily Activities.

If you would like to reach your instructor, please send an email to or call 443-963-1449.
By purchasing a membership and/or subscription, you understand and agree to the following:
Waiver: To reduce and avoid injury, please check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. Make sure you are in a safe space, free of any trip hazards and that you practice caution when exercising. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising, you should stop immediately. If you think you are having a medical emergency, call 911.
By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. The Myerberg Center will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program, online fitness videos, or information shared on our website. This includes emails, videos and text.
Code of Conduct: All participants must comply with the Edward A Myerberg Senior Center, Inc.’s (EAMC) Code of Conduct. Inappropriate behavior is not permitted and includes but is not limited to: harassment of any kind to other participants or staff members; conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of self or others; solicitation, or panhandling; use of abusive, insulting, obscene, discriminatory or racially derogatory language; inappropriate appearance; or failure to follow an agency policy or procedure. All participants must obey all federal, state, county and city laws and ordinances. All participants are responsible for maintaining the security of their login information and agree not to disclose such to any third party. A participant who violates this Code of Conduct may result in immediate removal from virtual programs and cancellation of his/her subscription. The EAMC reserves the right to suspend or terminate a violator’s membership or subscription.
If you are logging on together, you will only need one subscription. If you plan to attend classes using multiple devices at the same time, we recommend purchasing two separate plans.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call 410-358-6856 or send an email to