Weather Alert Status

The Edward A. Myerberg Center (building) is operating at our normal hours currently. Stay tuned for updates throughout the week in the case of inclement weather.

Tech Issues

Logging in with a Computer:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the GREEN “Virtual Center Login” button at the top of the page.
  3. Type in your phone number as 10 digits (ex. 4439631450) and birth month and day as MMDD. For example, if your birth day is August 13, enter “0813”.
  4. Click the green button, labeled “Search”
  5. Click on the button with your name.
  6. You are now logged in to your Daily Activities.

Logging in with a Mobile Device:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the WHITE “Virtual Center” button.
  3. Click the GREEN “Virtual Center Login” button.
  4. Type in your phone number as 10 digits (ex. 4439631450) and birth month and day as MMDD. For example, if your birth day is August 13, enter “0813”.
  5. Click the green button, labeled “Search”
  6. Click on the button with your name.
  7. You are now logged in to your Daily Activities.
Category: Tech Issues
  1. Once logged in to the Virtual Center, click the blue “Sign-Up” button for any programs you would like to attend.
  2. A box will pop-up. Click the green “Yes, Sign-Up” button.
  3. The class will now show a green bar and the words “You are registered to attend.” There will also be a grey “Join” button that includes the date and time you can join, which is 15 minutes before the class is scheduled to begin.
  4. When it is time to join, this button will turn blue and take you directly to the Zoom meeting.
  5. If you need the audio information, you can click the “Join Audio” button, which will be located next to “Join Video”.
  6. You can scroll to other days by clicking the orange buttons next to the date in the blue box.
  7. If a program is not included in your plan, it will say “This program is not included in your subscription plan. Please call to upgrade or pay a one-time fee.”

Watch this helpful video:

Category: Tech Issues

Absolutely! To learn more, please watch the video below.

Quick Tip: Place a sticky note or piece of tape over the camera lens on your device. That way, no one will ever see you! Just remember to remove when you DO want someone to see you.

Category: Tech Issues

You may need to change your view. Please watch this video below. If the problem still persists, leave the session and log back in.

Category: Tech Issues

Please watch this video below.

Category: Tech Issues

For the best experience, make sure the volume is turned all the way up on your device.

Category: Tech Issues

Accessing in-meeting chat (desktop)

  1. While in a meeting, click Chat in the meeting controls.
  2. This will open the chat on the right. You can type a message into the chat box or click on the drop down next to To: if you want to send a message to a specific person.
  3. When new chat messages are sent to you or everyone, a preview of the message will appear and Chat will flash orange in your host controls.

Accessing in-meeting chat (mobile)

  1. While in a meeting, tap the screen to make the screen to make the controls appear.
  2. Click on Participants.
  3. At the bottom of the participants list, click on Chat.
  4. You can type your chat message and click Send or if you want to change who it is being sent to, click the arrow next to Send to: and choose a different person or group of people.
  5. Incoming chats will be displayed at the bottom of your screen and you can click on Participants then Chat to view them.

Category: Tech Issues

This often means your internet connection is not strong. Try to troubleshoot the issue by:

  1. Make sure your computer, laptop or smart device is as close to your Wi-Fi router as possible.
  2. Try leaving the class and rejoining.
  3. Unplug your router and modem, wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in. It may take several minutes for your internet to reboot. This often solves many internet issues.
  4. Contact your internet service provider to help you troubleshoot.

Category: Tech Issues

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call 410-358-6856 or send an email to